Internet Resources

Internet Resources

Elastic Public Network IP EIP

Elastic Public Network IP EIP

Elastic Public Network IP EIP

Elastic Public Network IP EIP

This independent product provides users with public network bandwidth services. Users can bind or unbind EIP instances with cloud servers, load balancers, NAT gateways, VPN gateways, and other instances to provide users with IP addresses and public network bandwidth for accessing public networks. It achieves flexible matching of business changes and increases user flexibility. The EIP instance provides a single public network IP and bandwidth to enable users to access the public network.
Load Balancing

Load Balancing

Load Balancing

Load Balancing

Load balancing services can distribute traffic from the internet or intranet to multiple back-end servers to achieve horizontal expansion of the business system, improve service capabilities, and eliminate unavailable hosts through health checkups, to improve business system availability. In addition, single points of failure are avoided and business availability is improved.
Dedicated Line

Dedicated Line

Dedicated Line

Dedicated Line

The dedicated line service provides customers with a fast and reliable connection between IDC and Yusys Financial Cloud. Yusys Financial Cloud Private Line service is divided into two components: physical private line and private line gateway. Users can divide multiple leased line channels on the physical leased line as virtual link resources. The dedicated line gateway is created and maintained by the user in their VPC. The user binds the dedicated line channel to the designated dedicated line gateway and configures the routes at both ends to achieve traffic intercommunication.

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