Operation Management and Data Application

Operation Management and Data Application

Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management

It serves to the state-owned, joint-stock, and regional banks. It solves banks’ all-round management demands related to retail and corporate clients, and realizes customer life cycle management. It differentiates the stratifications and groups of customers by using data analytics and customer evaluation algorithms. The product can support banks’ client management, customer analysis, precision marketing, active services, and enables the account manager to manage customers holistically by mobile service mode.
Intelligent Marketing Middle Platform

Intelligent Marketing Middle Platform

Intelligent Marketing Middle Platform

Intelligent Marketing Middle Platform

Yusys Technologies’ intelligent marketing middle platform is an automated marketing tool that integrates advanced marketing concepts. It leverages big data models to accurately screen customer groups and allocate products based on customer assets and preferences, applies the vivid ways to reach customers at the right time in appropriate channels, and tracks customer behavior to achieve efficient management.
Performance Management

Performance Management

Performance Management

Performance Management

Yusys Technologies’ performance management platform is composed of a set of operational management tools that integrate advanced performance management theories to collect, calculate, process, and summarize the performance of banks and employees at all levels. The platform supports the formulation of flexible performance appraisal schemes, complex performance splitting and identification, and refined accounting system for rewards and fees to individuals. It is a beneficial support tool for staff management and incentives at all levels of the bank.
Operation Analytics

Operation Analytics

Operation Analytics

Operation Analytics

The operation analytics platform is built with refined and professional management as the core concept, and value analysis and operation as the goal. The platform covers all business lines, business life cycles, full competition analysis, and cause analysis. Based on unified indicators, the platform realizes the full-caliber (accounting caliber, assessment caliber, and analytical caliber) analysis of the indicators. It uses motivation analysis and professional analysis as tools to achieve in-depth analysis of causes, and provides decision-making support to managers, operators, and analysts at different levels through visual graphics, reports, and H5.
Bank Branch Management

Bank Branch Management

Bank Branch Management

Bank Branch Management

The whole life cycle management platform is created based on beforehand, ongoing and afterward management of branches, with the concept of refinement and specialization based on evaluation of branch outlets. It includes branch network planning, site selection management, rating management, performance evaluation, value assessment, and performance competition, etc.
Wealth Management

Wealth Management

Wealth Management

Wealth Management

The platform is guided by international wealth management theories and integrates advanced practical experience in the industry to create a complete private banking and wealth management system.
Training Management

Training Management

Training Management

Training Management

The platform breaks the time or space restrictions of traditional education and training, and builds up an all-condition, limitless new education and training model. It shortens the training chain, and makes professional-to-professional training as the new normal through building a multi-level, high-end, and rich-content professional online self-learning platform.
Comprehensive Reward Points Management

Comprehensive Reward Points Management

Comprehensive Reward Points Management

Comprehensive Reward Points Management

The platform constructs a unified reward point management for the bank, covering the whole process of reward point generation, exchange, consumption, and clearance, and expands to the reward alliance as a marketing tool, becoming an key part of banks’ retailing transformation.
Complaint Management

Complaint Management

Complaint Management

Complaint Management

Customer complaint management is the key issue of service management. With more strict supervision, customer complaints have become emphasis of supervision. and, it will leads reputation risk to the company if customer complaints can not be resolved well.
The system leverages advanced experience to capture and trace all aspects of the complaint process, and ensures the complaint records and reports fully meet the regulatory requirements. The system adopts an advanced micro-service architecture to realize flexible design of complaint process and establishes a complete complaint management monitoring mechanism.
Unified Indicator Management

Unified Indicator Management

Unified Indicator Management

Unified Indicator Management

The platform learns from the practical experience of advanced banks, comprehensively covers all business lines, and builds an overall unified indicator management platform for banks, covering indicator definitions, rules, calculation engines, and unified classification.
Customer Tag Management

Customer Tag Management

Customer Tag Management

Customer Tag Management

The system applies practical experience of advanced banks and adopts advanced algorithm models to build a complete customer tag management platform for the bank, covering tag rules, tag life cycle management, and tag authorization management, and achieves tag classification and sharing.

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