
Existing Customer Remarketing Platform SCM


As traffic dividends and demographic dividends are gradually disappearing, how to tap new traffic opportunities in the remaining market and accurately reach target customers has become an urgent problem for many financial institutions. Accordingly, Yusys Technologies launched SCM, a remarketing platform for existing customers. The SCM platform adopts a cooperative operation model. Financial institutions do not need to bear any costs in the early stage, but pay according to the marketing conversion results. To improve customer contribution, retention, and brand awareness, the platform uses big data and machine learning to conduct accurate customer analysis and product marketing.

Main Cases


Service Advantages


Zero-cost investment and pay-as-you-go


Zero-cost investment and pay-as-you-go

The SCM platform integrates massive amounts of authoritative big data resources, leading machine learning algorithms, and accurate marketing models. The platform has high maturity degree. Financial institutions can connect with the platform and the platform can be used after opening an account. Financial institutions don’t need to bear any cost in the initial stage but pay according to marketing conversion results.

Secure and confidential to meet the security requirements


Secure and confidential to meet the security requirements

The big data resources integrated in the SCM platform come from primary data sources that meet financial information security requirements, with a clear authorization chain. Only the rating and labeling result data after model processing are stored on the platform. The data is transmitted using MD5 or SHA256 encryption and stored in the cloud platform that meets CBIRC security evaluation requirements.

Strengthen the quality of assets, reduce costs, and increase income


Strengthen the quality of assets, reduce costs, and increase income

The re-lending customers who have been successfully converted through the SCM platform can directly meet the risk pre-qualification conditions. They have a high pass rate for business process and low credit cost, and the overdue and bad loanconditions are significantly better than other customer groups.

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