
IT System Value-added Services


The IT system value-added services cover all-round services such as financial data center consulting planning, construction implementation, security maintenance, etc. Through cloud computing, big data, distributed technology, agile operation, and other technical means, Yusys enables financial customers to build advanced IT architecture, agile IT capabilities, and ensures their strong IT performance, to realize a transformation from the status quo into sensitive-state data centers.

Main Cases


Product List

Private cloud services

Cover IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS fields, and capable of providing customized internet financial technology for financial customers. Have accumulated rich experience in resource pooling, cloud platform development, multiple clouds, unified cloud management platform, technical selection of traditional cloud business, implementation path of cloud application, and PaaS service platform development.

Business continuity services

The business continuity capability of financial customers is mainly reflected in three aspects: high availability, disaster recovery, dual or multi-live instances. Yusys Technologies provides consulting, implementation, operation, and maintenance services for business continuity, and has rich practical experience in providing such services to state-owned joint-stock banks and urban commercial banks.

System optimization service

System performance is particularly important in this breakthrough period in internet financial business innovation, and has a direct relationship with customer satisfaction and affects normal business operations. Yusys Technologies uses scientific methods and advanced and mature technologies to solve system bottleneck issues and develops the system potential from dimensions such as system architecture, hardware configuration, system parameters, etc.

Data center relocation service

Yusys Technologies has a mature data center relocation service methodology. Through a preliminary environment research, it collects information of the data center, fully analyzes the risk and business impact, and formulates a complete migration strategy, migration plan, and emergency return plan, to ensure the effectiveness of the entire relocation plan and emergency plan.

System integration services

Yusys Technologies has rich experience in integration projects, and can provide integrated and customized system integration services for financial customers, including all-round services such as consulting and planning of basic IT design, integrated data center design, integrated disaster recovery center design, product selection, detailed software and hardware configuration, supply of basic software and hardware, installation and debugging, software and hardware transformation and IT system upgrade, technical consulting, after-sales services, etc. to ensure the safe, stable, and efficient operation of business system, so as to reduce risks.

Service Advantages



Yusys Technologies has been working in the financial industry for many years and has established a mature financial IT service system with an integrated service system, management process, organizational structure, and technical team to ensure the quality of the system’s value-added services.

All-round and integrated

Yusys Technologies has a profound understanding and rich practical experience in financial technology development. In terms of business continuity, system performance, and security compliance, it can provide a full range of integrated services, and empower financial customers with professional training, to enhance their technical autonomy.

Extensive best practices and customer recognition

Yusys Technologies has more than 20 years of IT system service experience, and is not only familiar with the regulatory requirements of the financial industry, but also familiar with the basic environment requirements of the financial industry applications. It possesses multi-level financial system solution capabilities from basic resources, platform software, application environment, etc., and has accumulated extensive implementation experience.

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