Computing Resources

Computing Resources

Cloud Server

Cloud Server

Cloud Server

Cloud Server

Yusys Financial Cloud Server is a cloud computing service based on the virtualization and distributed cluster technologies developed by Yusys over the years. The cloud server supports elastic scaling, a minute-level rich and flexible billing model, with value-added services such as mirroring, snapshots, cloud security, etc., to provide you with a high-performance cloud server with high-cost performance.
Physical Server

Physical Server

Physical Server

Physical Server

The physical server is an exclusive high-performance physical server in the Yusys financial cloud environment. Users have complete physical device management rights and can communicate with the cloud server intranet to easily build an intranet hybrid cloud. The physical server provides a high-performance physical server in the cloud environment, and at the same time provides complete device management permissions and full life cycle operation and maintenance management services. Users can apply for and manage these physical machines as quickly and flexibly as applying for cloud resources. They can also build an intranet hybrid cloud based on physical servers and cloud server BCC; at the same time, the BBC network offloading with intelligent network card and virtual machine on the same subnet can solve network heterogeneity related risks, and greatly improve product stability.
Elastic Scaling of Computing Resources

Elastic Scaling of Computing Resources

Elastic Scaling of Computing Resources

Elastic Scaling of Computing Resources

By defining scaling rules, the system can automatically create or release a certain number of cloud server instances at the planned time point or when the cloud resource monitoring indicators change, so as to provide sufficient computing power when the business volume suddenly increases. This ensures that resources are released on time to save costs when the business volume decreases. At the same time, elastic scaling also provides the ability to remove exception-created instances and automatically correlate load balancing, which can effectively help you better manage cloud resources and minimize the cost of human operation and maintenance.

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