Data Intelligence

Data Intelligence

Financial Data Middle Platform

Financial Data Middle Platform

Financial Data Middle Platform

Financial Data Middle Platform

Yusys Technologies provides construction solutions of financial data middle platform for banking, trust, insurance, consumer finance, and other industries. The data middle platform is a processing plant for data services. It can aggregate and govern cross-domain data, accumulate and sorts common data, abstract and encapsulate data into services, and provide faster data-based business services for front desk business, while enabling the role of data in all aspects of business production, thereby generating value.
Yusys Technologies' data middle platform solution provides two business modes to customers. The first is a "thin middle platform solution" mode focusing on helping customers solve the business operation of data products and value realization; the other is a large-middle platform construction mode of full-domain services. The "thin middle platform" business mode focuses on the construction of data productization and creates a factory-like data operation mode, enabling data to come from the business and serve the business, while quickly improving data production capacity. Based on the open and shared theory of data asset value and with data assets as the main line, the large-middle platform construction mode aims to integrate platforms, data, governance, scenarios, and empowerment. The goal is to optimize the data layout of financial institutions and provide data for comprehensive intelligent services of digital banks.
Financial Big Data Platform

Financial Big Data Platform

Financial Big Data Platform

Financial Big Data Platform

Yusys Technologies provides construction solutions of financial big data platform for banking, trust, insurance, consumer finance, and other industries. Combining more than 15 years of financial data service experience, it helps financial customers build a safe, stable, efficient, and agile big data platform with modernization and intelligentization. While ensuring the availability of real-time data, it enables enterprises to realize the value of data, fully transform data into knowledge and insights, and promote rapid innovation in financial business. Yusys Technologies provides full-process data-driven solutions for data collection, modeling, storage, and analysis as well as application scenarios to help companies drive business decisions and product intelligence.
The construction solutions of big data platform mainly include platform development planning, basic tools completeness, and intelligent application system construction. The basic tools completeness includes data collection, data exchange, data storage, data development, real-time computing, data services, data governance, and a full set of independent intellectual property products and services related to data assets. The construction of intelligent application system is based on the big data platform, which includes data lake, data warehouse, real-time data platform, decision analysis platform, historical data platform, data model laboratory, customer tag management, log analysis platform, unified supervision and reporting, and other related application scenarios. It truly supports the diversity of big data platform construction mode, as well as the completeness of technical support system.
Financial Data Warehouse

Financial Data Warehouse

Financial Data Warehouse

Financial Data Warehouse

Yusys Technologies provides construction solutions of enterprise data warehouse for banking, trust, insurance, consumer finance and other industries. Yusys Technologies has more than 15 years of experience in financial data warehouse development. The goal of data warehouse development is to realize intelligent data management. The main scenarios are to support management decision-making, financial supervision, and business analysis, which is the core link in financial customers’ data system development. With the help of efficient data management and governance solutions in the development mode, Yusys Data Warehouse fully integrates the internal business data of the enterprise, and quickly conducts data analysis through the predetermined data model, to enable business decision-making of the enterprise and make the basic data platform of enterprise a data-driven establishment, and apply classic analysis scenarios based on data integration. The data warehouse is also the key infrastructure for the construction of the Data Middle Platform, and together with the big data platform constitutes the most critical dual platform in the financial data system.
Yusys Technologies’ data warehouse solution can provide all comprehensive data tools and application products except the data platform software, and enable financial customers to use fully localized development services. At the same time, Yusys Technologies’ data warehouse solution is also integrated with the products of domestic mainstream data platform software supplier.
Data Product Operations

Data Product Operations

Data Product Operations

Data Product Operations

From the enterprise digital transformation strategy perspective, Yusys Technologies comprehensively examines the status quo of enterprise data assets and data usage, incorporate the best practices in the industry, aims to utilize data and generate value to build an enterprise-level data product operation system and develop integrated data application solutions. The construction solution of data product operation centers on data users and integrates business scenarios to build data products, with the goal of supporting business and driving business development, combines corporate data and service capabilities to form data products, and opens up product development integration systems, product release circulation system, product consumption evaluation system, product customization system and other multiple service systems to form a comprehensive data product operation system. From the "value" and "efficiency" perspectives, Yusys Technologies has designed and built a data product operation platform that enables enterprises to realize effective interaction among data producers, users, and operators, improves the production efficiency of enterprise data products, and realizes the value of data assets.
Data Assets Management

Data Assets Management

Data Assets Management

Data Assets Management

Yusys Technologies provides construction solutions of data asset management for banks, trusts, insurance, consumer finance, and other industries. The solutions provide all-round guidance for financial institutions in terms of data asset management from strategic planning, organizational structure, seat making policies, management processes, construction objectives, and implementation route, and helps financial institutions promote data governance, improve data asset quality, improve asset management level, and realize the value of data assets. The solution not only covers metadata management, data standards, data quality, master data management, data security, data life cycle, and other data governance components, but also covers data-related asset services such as asset inventory, data asset catalog, data asset map, data asset evaluation, etc. Through data asset management, data can be seen, understood, accessible and usable.Based on our experiences while working with large enterprises in different industries, we apply our expertise to build up solutions which satisfy necessary enterprise compliance in architecture-, data-, process-, security- and user requirements

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