
Securities and Trust


Yusys Technologies has participated in IT construction in the trust and securities industries since 2010. It has successively cooperated with trust clients such as CITIC Trust, CCB Trust, Ping An Trust, Foreign Trade Trust, AVIC Trust, Minmetals Trust, Kunlun Trust, and other trust customers, and cooperated with Shenwan Hongyuan Securities , Industrial Securities, Guotai Junan Securities, CITIC Securities, China Development Bank Securities, and other securities customers. It has established a team that is proficient in the trust and securities business and formed a complete set of mature product solutions and systems. Yusys Technologies takes the trust and securities market as a breakthrough and has gradually established its product advantages in the trust, securities and the entire asset management industry!
The team has more than 200 people, covering project management, business processes, and software development. The team is relatively balanced, and several key personnel who are not "project management personnel" have been trained in practice The percentage of the team personnel who have worked for more than 3 years is over 79%, which can guarantee the operational capability of the project.

Main Cases




TM integrated business platform


TM integrated business platform

Based on years of experience in the implementation of trust projects, and combined with the status quo of trust business and application management, Yusys Technologies has launched a trust business module management model that integrates trust projects, products, sales, agency sales, contracts, investments, accounting, bank accounts, and regulatory submissions. It is a new generation integrated management platform for trust business. The advantages of Yusys Technologies’ TM integrated business platform product are as follows: 1. Strong scalability while taking into account all kinds of application scenarios and business types, and meets various business application requirements through parameter configuration. 2. Good maintainability. Based on the characteristics of trust business, the system design can be structured and modularized as much as possible, and each subsystem can be independently upgraded, deployed, and operated. 3. Technical advantages. Based on the characteristics of trust business and business application scenarios, the platform adopts a micro-service distributed architecture design, and structured, modularized, and configurable parameter settings to accelerate the response speed and timeliness of implementation. 4. Data integrity and high security. Any operation of the client machine achieves consistency and integrity control through the server. Both the database and the system itself provide means such as hierarchical authorization and log records to ensure system security.

Wealth management


Wealth management

Yusys Technologies' wealth management product take "customer operation" as the core product concept, to provide financial industry customers with "customer-centric" market operation system solutions. It helps trust company customers to quickly adapt to the market development and changes and build a win-win market environment with customers in the fierce market competition environment. The product provides market operation system management from the overall customer operation perspective, and relies on market rules and customer business characteristics for customer operation, solving the four major customer problems—acquisition, activation, promotion, and retention in market operations based on customer operation management. Yusys Technologies' wealth management product uses mature componentized implementation techniques to help financial enterprise customers quickly implement the solution. The product adopts a new unified micro-service, distributed and open framework. Each functional module or component can be assembled and implemented as needed without affecting the overall application functions of the system. At the same time, it can ensure seamless connection between the functional modules of the system. The three advantages of Yusys Technologies’ wealth management product are as follows: 1. Solution advantages. Yusys Technologies’ wealth management product combines years of system cases and implementation experience, includes comprehensive product function reminders, can support trust companies’ operating system, and has strong system scalability. It mainly includes customer management, marketing management, direct sales management, agency sales management, product management, contract management, fund management, online trust, trust App, and other functions. 2. Service advantages. Yusys Technologies provides real-time full-service services for financial enterprise customers, including IT system development consulting, implementation, operation and maintenance, and other product services to ensure that financial enterprise customers in addition to meeting existing business needs during system development, can better meet future business development needs as well. 3. Technical advantages. The product adopts a micro-service distributed architecture to facilitate the response speed of financial enterprise customers. The product provides independent deployment and expansion of functions, which can accelerate the rapid application of requirements.

Family trust


Family trust

With the rapid development of China’s economy, family and personal wealth has grown rapidly. From single-family businesses possessing physical assets, they have gradually transformed into financial assets and corporate equity. As an effective solution, family trust is favored because of its flexibility, privacy, and isolation risks. Affected by the new regulations and policies for asset management, domestic trust companies have entered a critical period of transformation, and the effect of de-channeling is becoming increasingly obvious. Family trusts, consumer finance, and infrastructure construction are new areas for trust companies in the future. Based on years of project research and development experience in the trust industry, Yusys Technologies has launched a comprehensive trust management platform with digital operation as the core and multi-channel management as the basic starting point, integrating family trust, wealth trust, and wealth management trust business. As the core management module of family trust products, digital operation provides a unified management portal for multi-system operation and interactive experience of trust companies, providing a complete line from customer due diligence (KYC), project establishment, contract signing, account registration, investment, distribution to settlement operation process. The solution solves the problems of multiple internal operations, multiple processes, and inconsistent data, improves daily work efficiency and reduces communication costs. The family trust channel portal provides trust projects and product life cycle data management, display, and statistics functions for marketing channels from the perspective of operation management. By solving the problems of information asymmetry and cumbersome communication and docking between trust companies and sales channels, it improves the cooperation service and experience of trust companies and cooperation channels. The five major advantages of Yusys Technologies' family trust product are as follows: 1. Solution advantage. Combined with years of system cases and implementation experience, in addition to standardized product solutions, Yusys can also provide special solutions for trust enterprise customers to help them develop their unique businesses and enhance differentiated customer services. For example: digital operations + channel portals provide effective management and data service support for family trusts. 2. Technical advantages. Yusys Technologies’ Family Trust Management System adopts the latest micro-service technology architecture, supports distributed deployment, and reduces IT construction costs and difficulty in system operation and maintenance. The system operation and maintenance provide strong, efficient, and stable support for the business. The new technical architecture supports terminal access such as PCs, tablets, and mobile phones, and supports various data interfaces. 3. Powerful data docking capability. Yusys Technologies’ Family Trust Management System provides seamless docking solutions with TA, FA, TCMP, OA, CRM, and other business systems. Data synchronization, aggregation, analysis, and other functions can be achieved through the underlying protocols. The system provides users with better data analysis and accurate push capabilities. 4. Rich data sources. Yusys Technologies’ Family Trust Management System provides multiple data collection portals, which can be collected through data synchronization, tablet input, APP input, channel portals, etc. 5. Flexible template customization. Yusys Technologies’ Family Trust Management provides KYC template and contract template customization function. Different KYC templates and contract templates can be customized based on customer types, data sources, and the diversity of purchased products.

Customer Information Management (ECIF)


Customer Information Management (ECIF)

Yusys Technologies’ ECIF product builds a future-oriented enterprise-level customer operation system framework, realizes centralized management of customer information, integrates customer information distributed across the business system, establishes a unified standard, and forms a data foundation for a unified view. In addition, it serves various business systems to realize unified customer identification and customer information sharing across systems. Customized customer information service meets the uniqueness, correctness, and timeliness requirements of customer information across the bank. At the same time, it further mines customer information, carries out service process transformation and marketing push, and enhances the customer experience and precision marketing capabilities. The advantages of Yusys Technologies' ECIF product are as follows: 1. Complete customer information management solution. 2. Large data volume and high concurrency stable support capacity. 3. Mature product system

Inherent business


Inherent business

Yusys Technologies' inherent business system products are based on the development concept of "data systematization, management standardization, and statistical automation". They involve comprehensively planning of the inherent investment configuration business management system. The system function scope covers inter-bank dismantling, fixed income investment, currency fund investment, equity investment, securities investment, and loan and reserve balance management. The system improves the types of inherent investment businesses, ensures that the system supports various investments, regulates the management mode and management process of inherent investment businesses, unifies data statistics, and provides automatic system statistics. Yusys Technologies’ inherent business system products comply with regulatory standards, with asset management as the center, inherent project life cycle as the main line, and with an asset management business system integrating underlying asset penetration, capital planning and performance management, and asset risk control. Yusys Technologies' inherent business system functions include project management, product management, inherent business account management, contract management, information disclosure, asset allocation/combination management, capital management (funding plan), etc. The main business coverage includes: interbank lending, including interbank credit, interbank lending, interbank borrowing, fixed income product investment, currency fund investment, other special carrier investment (contractual funds), equity investment business, securities investment, loan investment, subject management, book value confirmation, etc. The advantages of Yusys Technologies' inherent business system products are as follows: 1. Accurate data, convenient operation, friendly user interface, clear and concise information display. 2. System architecture design in accordance with FOF management mode. In the future, the system can smoothly transform from a single inherent asset management system to a (collective/single) trust customer asset management system, which can provide a foundation for the company's future unified asset management system. 3. Realize relevant functions of the inherent asset management system and realize the standardization of asset management. 4. Realize statistical analysis of inherent assets and meet the risk management objectives in the process of capital utilization. 5. The system has good operating efficiency and scalability. 6. The platform design is scalable and flexible, and can adapt to changes in the production configuration of the enterprise.

Large asset ecosystem solutions


Large asset ecosystem solutions

The functional design of Yusys Technologies' large asset ecosystem takes the three stages of pre-investment, mid-investment, and post-investment as the core, and is assisted by collateral management, credit inquiry, customer rating, and intelligent early warning to manage and monitor the entire life cycle of assets. Pre-investment mainly includes project application, approval, due diligence, and decision-making at the meeting. Mid-investment includes contract application, text review, contract review, loan management, etc. The contract can be customized to complete the contract generation and comparison by itself. Post-investment includes receivable maintenance, quarterly inspection, tag evaluation, debt and interest adjustment, monthly return visit, on-site inspection, asset classification, post-investment task tracking, project management ledger, intelligent early warning, and other modules to assist in the completion of post-investment data tracking, monitoring, and processing. Based on a modular approach, the system provides flexible peripheral system docking support, such as report platform, supervision report, etc. The advantages of Yusys Technologies' large asset ecosystem solution are as follows: 1. Solution advantages. Combining years of system cases and implementation experience, in addition to the standardized asset solution, it can provide special customized solutions to trust enterprise customers, help customers develop characteristic business, and enhance the means and business of differentiated customer service. For example, at the contract structuring level, a complete online structured generation and comparison program is provided, which effectively solves the problems of attachment marks and inaccurate comparisons in the contract circulation process. 2. Service advantages. Yusys Technologies' large asset ecosystem provides real-time full-service services for trust enterprise customers, including IT system development consulting, implementation, operation and maintenance and other product services, ensuring that trust enterprise customers are not only satisfied with existing businesses during system construction, but it can also adapt future business development. 3. Technical advantages. Yusys Technologies' large asset ecosystem adopts the latest microservice technology architecture, supports distributed deployment, and reduces IT development costs and system operation and maintenance difficulties. It enables the system operation and maintenance to provide strong, efficient and stable support for the business. The new technical architecture supports terminal access such as PCs, tablets, and mobile phones, and supports various data interface access.

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