
Latest IDC Report: Yusys Financial Cloud again ranks first in China's cloud banking-application solution market

Company News 2020-11-24

According to the International Data Corporation's (IDC) latest report "China's Financial Cloud Market (H1 2020) Tracking," Yusys Financial Cloud continues to rank first in the cloud-application solution market in China's banking industry.

Yusys Technologies' financial cloud business has developed rapidly along with the growing trend of digital transformation in the banking industry. In 2019, Yusys Cloud ranked second in the banking cloud solution segment market, only 0.7% behind the top-ranked Alibaba Cloud. However, Yusys Technologies ranked first in cloud-application solutions for the market of banking cloud-application solutions. Since the beginning of the year, despite the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, Yusys Financial Cloud has maintained steady growth. We continue to lead the industry.

No. 1 in the market for banking cloud-application solutions

As one of the largest banking IT solution providers in China, Yusys Technologies has consistently maintained a leading position in providing banking solutions in multiple segments such as credit management, business intelligence, regulatory reporting and online banking. According to the IDC's list of the top 100 financial industry technology companies in the world in 2020, Yusys Technologies occupied the 54th position. Since the beginning of the year, as the demand for online services in the financial industry has surged and the traditional financial business cloud-based architecture has accelerated, Yusys Technologies has developed its innovative business rapidly leveraging its years of industry experience and cutting-edge technology capabilities, and its financial cloud-application solutions business has set the pace for Yusys Technologies' growth.

In the 2020 half-yearly report, Yusys Technologies revealed that its model for cooperation based on financial cloud services is an integral part of the company's future transformation. This year, Yusys Technologies continued to promote in-depth integration with Baidu as part of an effort to jointly develop an intelligent financial cloud and conducted in-depth discussions and cooperation in three aspects—the improvement of financial cloud system development, the promotion of financial cloud operation capacity and the expansion of financial cloud business.

Yusys Technologies is driven by innovation, and accordingly more 90% of its employees are from technology and R&D divisions. Today, Yusys Technologies serves more than 750 financial customers, covering 13 types of licensed financial institutions and has an absolute advantage in the industry with respect to cloud-application solutions, credit-management solutions and supervision solutions.


A decade in the cloud business: creating a matrix of six mainstream ecosystem products

Yusys Financial Cloud came into being at the same time as China's cloud industry, and it has been a pioneer in the industry over the past decade. Since its establishment, Yusys Financial Cloud has focused on IT hosting services in the financial industry, for instance, a proprietary cloud for the financial industry based on industry standards as well as the regulations and regulatory requirements of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the People's Bank of China and the China Banking Regulatory Commission. It is focused on providing financial PaaS (Platform as a Service), financial SaaS (Software as a Service) as well as private cloud and hybrid cloud services for small and medium-size licensed financial institutions.

Yusys Financial Cloud Platform employs a mature enterprise-level architecture, fully supports computing, storage, network virtualization, resource scheduling and management, supports virtual data-center services and provides financial service clouds to the public. Its highly flexible platform provides low-cost virtualization and automation, utilizes dynamic resource allocation and pooling and ensures the transparency of resources, thereby reducing the processing load of user terminals and reducing the need for users to possess advanced IT skills.

With its focus on business management, Yusys Financial Cloud has developed rich business platforms, such as online lending platforms, supply chain financial platforms, mutual funds platforms, consumer finance platforms, regulatory technology platforms, inclusive financial platforms, marketing platforms and scenario-based financial platforms, and has built a matrix of six ecosystem products: Internet banking, risk control management, credit management, data service management, AI and blockchain.

Yusys Technologies, based on its proprietary intellectual property rights, has developed a comprehensive and mature product series for its Internet banking products, which includes portal websites, personal online banking, corporate online banking, internal management, online payment, bank-enterprise direct connection, mobile banking and WeChat Bank. The Internet banking products offer mature online customer services, real-time business monitoring, search, advertising, customer-behavior capture and analysis. Additionally, they offer features and modules that can help the client bank build a complete Internet ecosystem and environment.

The business functions have rigid security and access control, friendly user interface, stability and efficient performance, and provide a variety of business-management and maintenance interfaces and support service systems. Moreover, Yusys Technologies has mature online service plans and data-migration service plans that can meet the needs of rapid online banking and system switching.

Today, Yusys Technologies' Internet ecosystem products have enabled hundreds of banks to move their services online. The company also provides migration support while helping banks launch related products.

Yusys Financial Cloud's risk-control business ecosystem comprises an SCM platform and big-data risk-control scoring products. It provides basic services such as precision marketing, intelligent fraud detection and risk warning for financial institutions that have innovative loan businesses, and helps financial institutions to achieve independent risk control.

To market and sell products and services to existing customers, Yusys Technologies' SCM platform employs a model for cooperation. The financial institution bears no cost in the initial stage. The platform uses big data and machine learning to enable existing customers to apply for credit and loan products and improves customer development, retention and brand awareness of financial institutions. Moreover, the big-data risk-control scoring products can be directly used in related business processes and can also be used as indicators in risk-control modeling for key links such as credit approval, risk warning, etc.

In its big-data products, Yusys Technologies has brought together the world's top MIT Big Data and AI Laboratory, top modeling experts, advanced algorithms and risk-control models, through which it has become an industry leader in data performance.

The credit ecosystem products are businesses in which Yusys Technologies has been strong traditionally. Hence, Yusys Technologies has integrated resources from multiple sources by synthesizing the cloud capabilities to provide credit-consumption intermediary services and supply partners with value-added support through innovation with respect to risk control and operation.

Yusys Technologies has, during the past two years, developed its overall cloud-data service solutions. Its big-data service platform combines the advantages of RUC data, cloud computing and other data and industry-leading technical capabilities to provide financial institutions in the industry with safe and reliable big-data services.

AI and blockchain ecosystem products are also innovative, rapidly developing businesses within the Yusys Technologies organization.

Taking intelligent customer-service products as an example, based on Yusys Technologies' Intelligent Financial Cloud and coupled with its strategic partner Baidu's leading artificial intelligence technologies in speech recognition, natural language processing and knowledge graphing, Yusys Technologies benefits enterprise customers with complete intelligent marketing and customer-service solutions, including intelligent marketing, intelligent knowledge base, intelligent customer-chat service (online customer service), intelligent voice-response customer service (IVR), intelligent outbound calls and other features.

Yusys Technologies Blockchain Engine provides users with a comprehensive cloud-based blockchain service platform. It enables enterprises and developers to quickly build blockchain networks in public and private clouds, and supports the Fabric Alliance, Quorum Alliance and other private chains.

Yusys Financial Cloud has served nearly 200 large, medium and small financial institutions.

According to an IDC forecast, the compound annual growth rate of China's financial cloud solutions market from 2019 to 2023 is expected to be 38.7%, reaching USD 3.64 billion by 2023. While providers of financial cloud services continue to expand their own capabilities, they will improve their capabilities through strong alliances and complementary capabilities. The cooperative financial cloud ecosystem has also laid the foundation for sound, stable market development. 

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