
Yusys Technologies listed in the "IDC China FinTech Top 50" with high recognition for its smart network project

Company News 2020-09-02

On August 28, the "2020 IDC China Future Finance Forum and Award Ceremony" was held for the first time in the form of an online live broadcast. Yusys Technologies was successfully listed in the "China FinTech Top 50" list published by the IDC. Moreover, the "5G+ Ecosystem" Smart Bank of Qingdao Bank that was designed and implemented by Yusys Technologies, won the "2020 China Financial Industry Smart Outlet Technology Application Scenario Innovation Award." This award is after Yusys Technologies was listed in the CB Insights "China FinTech Top 50," a valued recognition by another top international authority.

As a world-renowned IT market research organization, IDC's market tracking data in the IT field has become an industry standard. In the light of the research experience and focus of the IDC financial research team, the list released by the IDC every year is highly authoritative and is highly valued. It attracts a lot of attention from enterprises and is an important factor in domestic financial institutions choosing financial technology vendors. This time, the dual awards aren't only a recognition of Yusys Technologies' comprehensive strength in business development, market share, and industry value by the IDC but also the recognition of Yusys Technologies' ability in innovation in the financial business segment and technology applications in smart networks.

Digital transformation, according to the IDC, is the way forward for China's financial industry. The next generation platform represented by big data, cloud computing, mobile, social, artificial intelligence, blockchain, Internet of Things, robots, security and other technologies are weapons in the digital transformation of the financial industry. As one of the leading companies in the IT solution market in China's banking industry, Yusys Technologies has pragmatically implemented its corporate vision of "Technology empowers finance, creating a brand that will last a century," and has provided IT consulting, planning, software products, and solutions to the world. With comprehensive financial technology products, solutions and services, including implementation, operation, maintenance, testing, system integration and business operations, it has actively contributed to the digital transformation of more than 750 financial institutions in China and overseas.

With a growing number of technologies in the financial field, and comprehensive integration and development of financial technology, IDC is paying close attention to the successful implementation and application of these innovative technologies in the financial industry. The "2020 China Financial Industry Smart Branch Technology Application Scenario Innovation Award" won by Yusys Technologies is IDC's recognition of Yusys Technologies' technology leadership, innovation, and scalability in the field of smart branches. The "5G+ Ecosystem" Smart Bank of Qingdao Bank is the first cross-border new finance and new business concept in Shandong Province that has been created by Yusys Technologies in association with Qingdao Bank. Thus, it has immense demonstration significance. It comprehensively utilizes high-tech means such as facial recognition and mobile devices, combined with digital marketing and management systems, to integrate the transaction process into the business concept design, thereby changing the bank's branch from a single physical location to a novel financial life service hub.

Technology development is the bedrock of Yusys Technologies. From the time the company was established, it has consistently focused on "customer value first," and constantly consolidated its independent innovation capabilities. Having been in the banking industry for more than 20 years, Yusys Technologies has not only built a competitive unified technology base as well as a wealth of products and solutions but also has a stable and high-level expert technical team. This is the reason behind Yusys Technologies' immense success in the development of smart branches, financial cloud, big data, credit management, supervision management and other financial business concepts. Thus, Yusys Technologies will bravely face all headwinds as it aims to become a high-quality and valuable listed company that continues to grow.

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